How to Turn Your Short-Term Relationship into Long-Term Relationship

Posted on July 27, 2013


Show interest 

Showing interest in a person allows for a connection. Humans want to be valued and when that value comes from a peer that makes things worthwhile. There’s nothing better than having someone in your life that values you and appreciates the things that you are passionate about.

Plan for the future

Making sure that you have dates to look forward to allows for longevity to flourish. If you are constantly talking about what’s to come, you won’t have to constantly wonder about the when. You’re not just living for the now, you’re living for the future.


Sitting around and wondering about the state of your relationship isn’t healthy. Talking about what’s working, and what’s not allows for open and honest communication. That is what’s going to take your relationship to the next level.


You can’t be with the person you’re interested in all the time. Make room for freedom in your relationship and trust your partner. Nothing makes people run for the door quite like a controlling person can. Let your guard down and don’t panic about the little stuff.

Live for the now

If you are always worrying about the future, you will drive the other person in the relationship crazy. Live for each other’s presence not for an expiration date. A long-term relationship can happen, but you have to live for the love, not for time.

Written by: Andrea Bazemore